The direction
And the educators staff
The Camp is run by:

Sergio Cogo
General director

Luca Cogo
Activity coordinator and school trips manager

Lucia Brembilla
Secretariat and administration coordinator
A place borned by passion
This is our reality!
Campo Gulliver is an offer of the social cooperative AZIMUT – ONLUS, which since 2001 has carried out its non-profit service and social utility with initiatives aimed at the world of minors. It is registered in the register of cooperative societies with prevalent mutuality and in the register of social cooperatives of the Lombardy Region and is based in Trezzo sull’Adda (MI).
The cooperative aims to propose activities and experiences of personal growth to children and young people between 7 and 18 years, through the fascinating pedagogy of the scout method, educating to the Essential, to the Autonomy and to the mutual Respect. In particular, this takes the form of proposals for summer camps and school trips experienced in contact with nature, in a style of community with adventure companions and protagonism in the experiences lived and proposed by adult educators and coordinated by the Direction.

Years of experience
and always improving!
The Camp welcomes an average of 350 children per year during summer camps as well as several hundred pupils and students on a school trip in spring and autumn, involving about 30 scout educators and social workers involved with different roles and professionalism. The guests of the Camp come from different geographical, social and cultural realities, without political or religious preclusion, as long as they respect the different peculiarities.